Welcome to our web page. I am sure that as you browse through our site that you will learn about our supportive learning community, where we all work collectively on behalf of students, nurturing them to achieve their goals.
La Perouse Public School is focused not only on high expectations through quality teaching, to facilitate continuous improvement in learning outcomes for every student, but also on providing opportunities for rich learning experiences in a broad range of curriculum areas.
We are committed to the development of each student's full potential and therefore provide opportunities for participation in a wide range of activities including sport, the arts, leadership and social and emotional skill development and well-being
La Perouse Public School reflects the rich multicultural nature of its local community and strongly promotes acceptance of difference and respect for all. I believe that diversity is our strength and am committed to developing this school as a place of belonging and connection. I am a strong advocate for community partnerships and encourage all involvement, no matter how small, of parents and community members.
All staff at La Perouse Public School are committed professionals who work and learn collaboratively to deliver a supportive learning enviroment and quality programs that support all students. I am very proud to be the Principal of La Perouse Public School and am excited about the direction our school is taking into the future, to support students to be 'Happy, Smart and Proud' learners who are responsible and respectful community members.
Lisa Haller